A lot’s happened lately! I joined the board of the nonprofit group Creators Assemble!, I got an electric car, and I got a promotion at the library. Also, July 20-24 was my second San Diego Comic-Con. I have yet to have a “normal” one; last year was covid protocols, this year were the strikes, but this SDCC was all about the comics, baby!
The exhibit floor was packed, even more so then it typically would be, without the presence of Hollywood. Most panels were packed, too, including my own! This year, we were the first to speak for CCEL @ SDCC at the San Diego Central Library, bright and early at 10:00 am on Thursday, July 20th. Our topic was Libraries and the Challenges They Face in 2023 and, I kid you not, we were standing room only! It helped that Junji Ito was on the panel after us, but I can say for sure they weren’t all there for him. Joining me on this panel was my frequent collaborator Moni Barrette, Betsy Gomez of OIF, Fransisco Soto who does drag queen story times in the San Diego area, and Mychal Threats, a librarian and influencer.
On Saturday I joined Creators Assemble! for yet another Comics Camaraderie networking event as a moderator. I moved from table to table and helped facilitate conversation between table speakers and participants. Last I heard, we had 160 people! I also once again attended the Eisners and met some interesting people, including two dudes who work for James Cameron. We exchanged numbers and got some drinks.
Anyway, it’s been over a week, and I’m still tired from the trip. I’ve had a cough that I can’t seem to shake and I’m all full of phlegm. Damn con-crud. Take it easy, all! I’ll check in again soon.